Some Tips For Designing Your Website
By Mark A. Abrahams
Most businesses and business people have a website these days. It's a necessity in these days when people are more likely to look up a business on the internet than to get out a phone book. But designing a website has to be carefully done; if people can't find the information you're offering, they won't stay, and both their time and yours will have been wasted.
Here are some tips for designing and evaluating your website.
* Few images, carefully used. Pictures can be an important part of your site, especially if people want to see your products before they buy them. But keep your images simple and clean so that they load quickly and are easy to focus on once they have loaded.
* Lots of white space. This is especially true in text. Long paragraphs are very difficult to read on the computer, and people will generally click away if they experience that much frustration. Keep your text short, and use bold-faced headings, numbers, and bullet points. The more white space you have, the easier it is for your viewers to find their place and keep it.
* Good fonts. This includes both size and style. Headlines can be a bigger font than paragraphs, but even paragraphs should be big enough for a reader to skim them. A unique font can give your website style, but if it's too unique, it will be too much work to read.
* Keep your content up to date. Your images, prices, articles, and news links should be up-to-date, within a day. Your customers and viewers should have something new to look at every time they visit.
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